Third High-level Political Forum Monday Press Statements after Meeting


The Third High-Level Political Forum on European integrations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to be co.-chaired by Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers of BIH Borjana Krišto and European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, will be held in Sarajevo on Monday, Juen 3, 2024.

The forum will gather Deputies Chairwoman and Members of Collegiums and Chair of Clubs of Deputies and Delegates in both Chambers of the Parliamentarian Assembly of BIH, Prime Ministers of Entities and of ten Cantons of the Federation of BIH, and the Brčko District of BIH Mayor.

All-level officials and participants from the European Commission will discuss implementation of activities, with a special focus at key priorities under the Bosnia and Herzegovina EU accession process, following a decision by the European Council on opening of negotiations with BIH: previously, two fora were held in mid-May and early December 2023 in Sarajevo and Brussels.

Camerman and photographers may record the beginning of the meeting, which starts at 15.40 hrs (Hall 1/I, BIH Insituttions building, Trg BIH 1).

Press statements by Chairwoman Krišto and Commissioner Varhelyi are planned or 17.30 (ground floor of the BIH Institutions building). (end)