
According to the Law, the Ministry of Defence of BiH is competent for the following:

a) Creation of and sustaining defence capacity aimed at protection of sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and international legal personality of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

b) Representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in international relations concerning defence issues,

c) Oversight of all entities of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

d) Development, review and update of the defence policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina endorsed by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

e) Development and endorsement of policies and regulations in regard to the structure, administration, training, equipping and use of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

f) Making sure that Bosnia and Herzegovina complies with international commitments in the field of defence,

g) Activation of reserve units for the purposes of all operations, except for planned training,

h) Deployment or use of any part of the Armed Forces outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the purposes of all operations or training activities,

i) Issuing instructions to the Chief of Joint Staff of Bosnia and Herzegovina in regard to use or deployment of the Armed Forces inside of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the purposes other than training,

j) Establishment of a procedure for approving assistance to civil authorities in case of natural disasters or accidents, upon authorisation granted by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

k) Establishment of a procedure to ensure transparency of functions preformed by the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and  

l) Other competences defined by the Law.


Zukan Helez


Deputy Minister:
Aleksandar Goganović


Deputy Minister:
Slaven Galić



Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 Hamdije Kreševljakovića Street,
71000 Sarajevo

Minister of  Defence: Zukan Helez

Phone: +387 33 285 502

E-mail: zukan.helez@mod.gov.ba

Deputy Minister of Defence of BiH for Resource Management Aleksandar Goganović

Phone: +387 33 285 510

E-mail: aleksandar.goganovic@mod.gov.ba

Deputy Minister of Defense of BiH for Policy and Plans Slaven Galić

Phone: +387 33 285 515

E-mail: slaven.galic@mod.gov.ba